are a sightseeing, excursion, tours and attraction ticket agency who offer tickets to worldwide destinations. They sell a diverse range of tickets from white water rafting in New Zealand through to Bus Tours of New Orleans.

The site was developed using Drupal 6 and Ubercart 2. I found Ubercart to be extremely flexible as for instance the necessary fields for the date of travel were easy to add and to theme for the site’s look and feel. I was also able to change the product pages layout easily, for example when there were multiple prices associated with an item all prices are shown to the customer in an easy to read format.
The gotoexplore site has an image rotator on the homepage which the client wanted, so they could display offers that they wish to promote. The homepage allows customers to view the most popular tickets and subscribe to an RSS feed that will keep them informed. Gotoexplore’s main RSS feed shows the new tickets that gotoexplore are able to sell, meaning customers will be able to see the new tickets gotoexplore have without needing to visit the site.

Gotoexplore Feeds was tested against all modern browsers Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 8, Chrome 2, Opera 10 Beta and Safari 4. The site was also tested on older browsers but it was optimised for the current browsers. Gotoexplore was also tested against other browsers such as Lynx, Midori and Chromium they all displayed without issues.