Posts Tagged drupal

Just completed Florida Attraction Passes

Florida Attraction Passes was launched last week.  It makes use of responsive design with a mobile and desktop design.

Florida Attraction Passes Desktop


Florida Attraction Passes Mobile


The site is based upon drupal 7 using the Drupal Commerce module as well as several modules, as well as using some ideas from the commerce kickstart distribution.
The site’s theme is built from omega and omega kickstart which helped the site to get completed within it’s time constraints which otherwise would not have been possible.

The site also allows users to orders without needing to login to an account which could loose some potential customers, but all customers would get an account created for them whose details would be emailed to them. They would only get the account details when they complete their order, so it means that potential customers who leave the site before completing the order are not sent a welcome email, which would cause issues.

The excellent Drupal commerce module allowed multiple tickets to be accessible via the same page so for Magic Your Way Ticket with water park fun & more it allowed the various days available which are 1 to 10 days and adult/children option to be a single ticket which allows customers not needing to use various pages to find the ticket they want. It also allows the content to be altered if there were any differences from adult to children or over the different pages.

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Attraction Passes launched

Attraction Passes

Attraction Passes

Attraction Passes which is an online site for inexpensive attraction tickets to many worldwide destinations has just been completed.

The main aspects of the site is to allow users to purchase tickets on-line.  They are currently available from USA, Canada and Spain and I have been informed that they plan to add more locations as they grow.

The site was built using Drupal 6 and Ubercart 2 for the e-commerce aspect of the site.

The modules used on the site include:

CCK was used to add custom fields to the product page such as ticket details so that the owner is able to include extra details for the products.  The date module was used so that tickets could be linked to dates, so that the tickets can be searched by availability and it also states when the tickets are valid.

The FAQ module powers the sites faq section, as the owner was impressed by the implementation used on the site.  The fivestar module with votingapi are used to allow visitors to give a review and star rating to the tickets on the site.

The hierarchical select module is used to allow filtering of tickets by locations in a nice and simple manner.  The luceneapi is used to extend the basic features of core drupal search as the owner felt that the Solr like features would be of benefit.  The owner wanted to make use of panels as they had wanted the homepage to have individual sections which panels provides in a effective manner.

Securepages is used so that the payment pages are set as using SSL and so that the customers can trust in the security of the site whilst they are on it.

Views is used on attraction passes to list the tickets, its main usage was for the filtering of tickets available on the site.  It was though also used to create various slide-shows on the homepage.

There were several other modules used on the site including xmlsitemap, wysiwyg, webform, views_slideshow, token, simplenews and pathauto.

There were some specific features that attraction passes wanted that made use of modules, these included:

  • Pricing variants for the same ticket
  • FAQ help centre on a single page
Attraction Passes Item Page

Attraction Passes Item Page

Certain tickets also have adult and children variants with the price updates occurring in real-time.  This is achieved by using the attributes feature in Ubercart and setting the price shown to be based upon the attributes selected.  A small piece of JavaScript was used for the real-time price updates.

Adult and Child Tickets

Adult and Child Tickets

Apart from e-commerce attraction passes has an FAQ section called Help Centre which contains the queries asked the most arranged by categories.  This aspect was simple as it only required certain settings to be used in the FAQ module.



Attraction Passes is also on twitter as attractionpass, have a company Facebook page and also an account as attractionpasses.

They can be contacted also via the site contact form.

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Gotoexplore open are a sightseeing, excursion, tours and attraction ticket agency who offer tickets to worldwide destinations. They sell a diverse range of tickets from white water rafting in New Zealand through to Bus Tours of New Orleans.



The site was developed using Drupal 6 and Ubercart 2.  I found Ubercart to be extremely flexible as for instance the necessary fields for the date of travel were easy to add and to theme for the site’s look and feel.  I was also able to change the product pages layout easily,  for example when there were multiple prices associated with an item all prices are shown to the customer in an easy to read format.

The gotoexplore site has an image rotator on the homepage which the client wanted, so they could display offers that they wish to promote.  The homepage allows customers to view the most popular tickets and subscribe to an RSS feed that will keep them informed.  Gotoexplore’s main RSS feed shows the new tickets that gotoexplore are able to sell, meaning customers will be able to see the new tickets gotoexplore have without needing to visit the site.

Gotoexplore Feeds

Gotoexplore Feeds was tested against all modern browsers Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 8, Chrome 2, Opera 10 Beta and Safari 4.  The site was also tested on older browsers but it was optimised for the current browsers.  Gotoexplore was also tested against other browsers such as Lynx, Midori and Chromium they all displayed without issues.

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Travelbuzz launched



Travelbuzz are an online travel agency and ticket broker specialising in niche markets including Florida, Theme Park Holidays, Disneyland Paris and UK weekend breaks. They are a fully ABTA bonded company. Travelbuzz offer a full range of services including package holidays, flights, accommodation, car hire, attraction tickets and insurance.

The Travelbuzz site allows customers to book holidays from the site whenever they wish to, with all discounts shown to them as they make their order. All customers are also able to make use of optional extras that Travelbuzz can provide such as car hire, extra baggage, tickets and meal options.

I used Drupal 6 for the site as well as a selection of modules such as:

  • CCK
  • ImageAPI with Imagecache
  • Simplenews
  • Secure Pages
  • Views
Site Search

Site Search

The holiday search and order modules are created especially for Travelbuzz and they are used to search the suppliers for Travelbuzz and its customers. Customers will receive a customised email for their order with all the necessary information contained within it.

Homepage Options

Homepage Options

The Travelbuzz homepage will include daily offers for packages, accommodation, flights and selected resorts from the Travelbuzz team.

Travelbuzz plan to expand the destination guides to more destinations worldwide, with a map for many resorts.

Travelbuzz also are planning to launch a blog and a small podcast to assist people in their holiday decisions.

The site was tested against all the modern browsers Firefox 3.5, Firefox 3, Safari 4, Safari 3.2, Google Chrome 2, Opera 9.64, Epiphany 2.26 (Gecko and Webkit), Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 7. The site works in Internet Explorer 6 but the more modern browsers are preferred. It also gracefully degrades without javascript, and will work on text only browsers such as Lynx 2.8.6rel.5 and Links 2.2.

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