Below are examples of sites that I was involved in their creation:
- Travelbuzz – Travel site allowing users to book their own holidays, packages and flights to over 200 world destinations, with real-time checking of all suppliers
- wesendparcels – Allows booking of packages and freight worldwide (site design was by a 3rd party)
- Towndeeds – Purchase your own virtual deed to a town/city, allowing for advertising to be sold for a particular town or city. With all towns/cities there is information on the location and a map for it as well.
- Florida Tourist Guide – Tourist guide focusing on Florida, allowing members to post their own villas for no charge at all. There are independent reviews on services, restaurants, hotels and attractions which members can also vote on
- Kushcuisine – Purchase hand crafted items such as chutneys, jams, sauces and marinades via their own online store. You can also see where you can meet them in person to purchase their products.
- David Sockett – Therapist and life coach allowing visitors to download free guides and contact him for his personal services